Ms. Tiffany
from the comfort of your home..
I am a big advocate for getting in the studio and training with a qualified dance professional. It is the best way to accelerate technical training and to ensure proper placement and alignment is achieved for injury prevention.
But, I also understand that there are many cases and circumstances that can keep students out of the studio for a period of time. Similarly, I recognize that there are those who prefer to train in the comfort of their homes now and again.
I am pleased to be able to offer dance training online through these applications:
Google Meet

Experience the same quality training you've come to expect from me, but in your own personal space. Sometimes it's good to get out of the studio and move in spaces that are familiar and unfamiliar to the dancing body.
Choose from traditional concert styles of dance such as ballet, jazz, contemporary, and more. To fìnd out more about which styles I offer, please tap here.
You can also choose one of the exclusive online class styles below:

Ballet Tune-Up
Ballet tune-up focuses on ballet barre and exercises that require less traveling. This is a great way to tune up your ballet technique and bring things back home to the barre. Class will consist of barre exercises and strengthening movements that will aid in overall technique.
To participate in this lesson, you will need to have an open space and a platform that can be used as a barre (a kitchen counter, table, shelf, chair etc). This class is open to ballet students that have trained in ballet for at least a year.

Jazz Drills & Technique
During this class we will cover exercises and drills that will aid in leaps, turns and other movements required of jazz dancing. This is not a typical jazz class, but more training to make your turns better and give you the strength to have boundless leaps. We will also break down the how-to's of dynamic moves like fouettes and a la seconde turns, among others, and practicing exercises to help achieve this movements successfully.
To participate in this lesson, you will need to have an open space and a platform that can be used as a barre (a kitchen counter, table, shelf, chair etc). This class is open to intermediate jazz dancers (at least 2 years jazz training)

Dance Conditioning
It's very important for dancers to cross train. Taking class is crucial to improvement but studies have shown that dancers can improve technique fast and more efficiently by including regular exercise in their weekly regimen.
This training session is geared toward strengthening the body while promoting body awareness. Think of it as an exercise class just for dancers! If you would like higher kicks, stronger and higher releve, better spot, great flexibility this class is for you.
You will need an open space and a platform that can be used as a ballet barre. This class is opened to all levels of experience from beginner to advanced
Download, sign and return via email
If you are new to training with me, you must first contact me so we can chat about your needs. Please do not try to book a session without contacting me first.
All classes must be scheduled and paid for online via Square Appointments. Please read and sign the online training medical agreement before submitting your payment.
Ready to schedule a lesson?
Welcome to my online booking site through Square!
All payments are processed through Square which is a trusted merchant service amongst small businesses and large companies alike.
If you are here, you have already contacted me about your dance goals and have been given the 'go ahead' to schedule your class time. You have also downloaded, signed and returned the medical agreement for online training.*
I'm very pleased to move with you! Please schedule your class time below and let me know if you need assistance.
*please see medical agreement above